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24 julio 2011

Amy Winehouse - Rehab (Live in London)

Subido por  el 21/09/2008
Amy Winehouse - Rehab [Live in London

They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no.
Yes I've been black, but when I come back
you won't know, know,know

I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I´m fine
They tried to make me go to rehab
I won't go, go, go.

I'd rather be at home with ray
I ain't got 70 days
Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can't teach me
That I can't learn, from Mr.Hatthaway

Didn't get a lot in class
But I know it don't come in a shot glass

They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
you won't know, know, know.

I aint got the time,
And if my Daddy thinks im fine,
They tried to make me go to rehab,
I won't go, go, go.

The man said, why'd you think you're here?

I said, I got no idea
Im gonna, im gonna lose my baby
So I always keep a bottle near

He said, "I just think you're depressed"
This's me, "yeah baby and the rest..."

They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back
you won't know, know, know

I don't never wanna drink again
I just, ooo, I just need a friend
I'm not gonna spend 10 weeks
Have everyone think I'm on the mend

It's not just my pride
It's just till these tears have dried

They tried to make me go to rehab
I said no, no, no
Yes I been black, but when I come back,
you won't know, know, know.

I aint got the time,
And if my daddy thinks I'm fine
They tried to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.

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