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25 febrero 2012

Barbara Wall D'la O con "No Man - All the Blue Changes -Live"

Dentro de muchas exquixofrenias que tenemos en la mente y en el oído tenemos la caótica sugerencia de una chica brillante en su forma de ver el universo, donde para adentrarnos en su perspectiva tienes que dejar a un lado toda lógica y dejarte llevar tan solo por sus pensamientos eclécticos, la encontraras en Laberintos de Soledad.

En esta ocasión nos recomienda una de sus estrellas fugaces de su universo; es Barbara Wall D`la O con No Man - All the blue chnages.

Subido por el 16/05/2009

Recorded live at The Bush Hall London 29.08.08 and taken from the limited edition ep, Wherever there is Light - get it while you can from -

No Man are Steven Wison, of Porcupine Tree`s other band , consisting of him and Tim Bowness on lead vocal.
The live band are illuminati of burning shed, with co- founder of the label Pete Morgan on bass and experimental guitarist Michael Bearpark on guitar.
The full concert DVD will be out later this year with this taster from the enhanced EP.
This was a very rare live appearance from a band who have made 6 wonderful albums since the late 1980`s, and show no signs of running out of ideas.
Their last album, True North is an essential purchase if you like any of Mr Wilson`s other work.

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