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02 junio 2012

Joan Baez- Live In Concert 1965.

Subido por el 05/08/2011

1. I'm A Rambler, I'm A Gambler -0:00
2. There But For Fortune - 2:30
3. Copper Kettle - 6:08
4. Mary Hamilton - 9:17
5. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right - 15:25
6. I'm Troubled And I Don't Know Why - 18:45
7. We Shall Overcome - 22:05
8. With God On Our Side - 26:07
9. Plaisir D'Amour - 34:05

Subido por el 12/01/2011

June 5th 1965. I do not own this video

Subido por el 12/01/2011

June 5th 1965. I do not own this video

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