Subido por xavierpebayle el 14/12/2010
No hay ninguna descripción.
"La música y el lenguaje como expresión de cualquier esquizofrenia." MSN-MX.
Subido por xavierpebayle el 14/12/2010
No hay ninguna descripción.
Subido por MaitreMenator el 30/06/2007
Nikki Yanofsky (13 ans) interprète "Airmail Special" d' Ella Fitzgerald.
(29 Juin 2007)
Publicado el 24/06/2012 por meslendergirl
Nikki Yanofsky gives an ultimate, swinging, high energy rendition of the classic song at age 17 in Switzerland summer 2011 with mentor Quincy Jones. The song builds momentum to a rock-star like finish with Quincy Jones, the crowd and the musicians of Quincy's Global Gumbo All Stars showing their appreciation for Nikki at the finish.
Souvenir from Jessica Montalvo on Vimeo.
8mm Poetry film. Layover at an airport, a couple cherish each other. A small souvenir takes them back to the first time they met. Inspired by the beautiful Catalina Mountains in Tucson AZ.
Featuring: Tracy Shedd
Song: Paris
Album: Cigarettes & Smoke Machines
Subido por martagomezmusic el 01/02/2012
Lanzamiento oficial del video Clip Tierra, tan sólo de la cantautora Marta Gómez.
Ritmo: Milonga Campera
from the album: "El Corazon y el Sombrero" Marta Canta a Federico García Lorca.
Written by Marta Gomez based on a poem of Federico García Lorca.
Una produccion de: Fitzcarrarldo Films
Danza y coreografía: Daniel Fetecua/Pajarillo Pinta'o
Niña: Natalia Gamo
Anciana: Mariona Perrier
Guion, direccion y montaje: Fran Menchón
Ayudante de dirección: David Casademunt
Fotografía: Rafa Suárez
Producción: Irene Ortiz
Maquilllage & Peluquería: Merce Ganez
Aydantes de prod: Yolanda Menchon & Dani Guirola
Foto fija: Yolanda Menchon & Irene Ortiz
Management: Julio Serna
Agradecimientos: Alejandro Serna Gómez, Maite Castellanos, David Figueroa, Alejandra Pabón, Consejo Comarcal los Monegros, Ayuntament de L' Hospitalet, Barcelona Film Commission.
Subido por sxswlawnparty el 04/03/2011
Other Music & Dig For FIre join forces every year to book and incredible line up and host the best free daytime party at SXSW by a mile. On the lawns of the French Legation, 802 San Marcos, you can almost forget the hot mess of 6th Street with music rolling from one stage to the next throughout the day. The xx played their first show of South By at our party last year and it truly was a turn out for the books. We couldn't contain the crowd who, when the gates closed, simply jumped the wall to catch this performance. You can see why from the video. Truly an awesome moment that will be forever burnt into our memories.
The line up for the 2011 SXSW Lawn Party is as follows:
Thursday 17th March - 12-7pm:
Edwyn Collins, Ted Leo, Lia Ices, Low, Janka Nabay, Sharon Van Etten, Olof Arnalds, Cass McCombs, Papercuts, Hanni El Khatib
Friday 18th March: 12-7pm
!!!Chk Chk Chk, James Blake, Tune Yards, Sam Amidon, Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger, Cults, Grass Widow, Lower Dens, John Vanderslice, Jamie Woon, Dead Gaze
Lo retro llama a las puertas de las nuevas generaciones, pero realmente esta chica con mucha sustancia y esencia muestra su gran madurez mu...