Subido por sxswlawnparty el 04/03/2011
Other Music & Dig For FIre join forces every year to book and incredible line up and host the best free daytime party at SXSW by a mile. On the lawns of the French Legation, 802 San Marcos, you can almost forget the hot mess of 6th Street with music rolling from one stage to the next throughout the day. The xx played their first show of South By at our party last year and it truly was a turn out for the books. We couldn't contain the crowd who, when the gates closed, simply jumped the wall to catch this performance. You can see why from the video. Truly an awesome moment that will be forever burnt into our memories.
The line up for the 2011 SXSW Lawn Party is as follows:
Thursday 17th March - 12-7pm:
Edwyn Collins, Ted Leo, Lia Ices, Low, Janka Nabay, Sharon Van Etten, Olof Arnalds, Cass McCombs, Papercuts, Hanni El Khatib
Friday 18th March: 12-7pm
!!!Chk Chk Chk, James Blake, Tune Yards, Sam Amidon, Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger, Cults, Grass Widow, Lower Dens, John Vanderslice, Jamie Woon, Dead Gaze