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28 diciembre 2012

Mystica Girls "The Conquest" Finales del 2012.

Un poco apocalípticos pero al final solo conquistas degenerativas.

Publicado el 18/04/2012
New single "the Conquest" Available on itunes, new cd soon! stay in touch!
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Twitter/ @mystica_girls

Here i go, its now my turn
I just want to rule the world
Take my hand and follow me
Were gonna celebrate..

Through the years and history
Youve been told of me, to fear, to watch and to see
And now it is the time for me to be

Passion that burns the whole world, with
Fashion inside my words!
Bliss of sensuality, so
Give in to your lust for me (2o now!)

Tempting eyes that show my spell
Power secret that no one tells
Mistery that shows a clue
Of a gorgeous view
Gazing up you wonder why
Magic makes you fly, you die, and drink from the sky
So this plain is ready now to try (my)

This is tomorrow
Let yourself go, stop fearing
Everything's getting clearer
Fall in my spell, I'll save / you from / your hell!

Realizado por: @Videoartmx
Javier BelroProductor / Postproductor,Leonardo Arturo-Director.Paola Moreno-Asistente de Dirección,Mauricio Araiza-Coordinación de Producción,Alex Mejia / Diego Vargas
Fotografía,Diego Armando Melquiades-Asistente de Fotográfia,Christian Moreno-Gaffer, Ernesto Flores Staff

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Exquizofrenia por Néstor se encuentra bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-No Derivadas 3.0 Unported.Basada en una obra en MSN-MX

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