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07 enero 2013

No olvides respirar en éste 2013, añora cada respiración."Billy Joel - Piano Man"

Subido el 09/12/2009
Music video by Billy Joel performing Piano Man. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 4,421,628 (C) 1985 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

A pesar de que el tiempo transcurre de forma omnipotente, nos permite a veces, revivir momentos hermosos que añorados y que están para recordarnos en respirar profundamente para seguir junto de el con su constante andar, recibiendo así con gran sabiduría y el desapego esos instantes como un intervalo casi  infinito, olvidándonos por completo de su marcha tan intransigente para poder respirar libremente, pero, a la postre esos intervalos de segundos se transforman en memorias tan vivas como el hoy pero sin olvidar que son parte ya de un pasado silencioso; tan solo así es cuando el tiempo te da una oportunidad de viajar, por solo por un momento, en el abismo de los recuerdos sin perderte de nuevo en ellos y seguir respirando libremente y profundamente, sintiéndote de nueva cuenta tan ligero como en ese momento eh intentar ganarle un segundo mas al tiempo con una respiración en libertad.

Billy Joel - Piano Man Subtitulada en español.

Publicado el 29/11/2012.
Gracias por su comentario, sugerencia, etc.
Gracias por no insultar mi vídeo. :P

its nine oclock on a saturday

the regular crowd shuffles in

theres an old man sitting next to me

makin love to his tonic and gin

he says, "son can you play me a memory?
im not really sure how it goes

but its sad and its sweet and i knew it complete

when i wore a younger mans clothes

sing us a song, youre the piano man

sing us a song tonight

well, were all in the mood for a melody

and youve got us feelin alright

now john at the bar is a friend of mine

he gets me my drinks for free

and hes quick with a joke or to light up your smoke

but theres someplace that hed rather be

he says bill, i believe this is killing me
as the smile ran away from his face

well im sure that i could be a movie star

if i could get out of this place

now paul is a real estate novelist

who never had time for a wife

and hes talking with davy whos still in the navy
and probably will be for life

and the waitress is practicing politics

as the businessmen slowly get stoned

yes, theyre sharing a drink they call loneliness

but its better than drinking alone

sing us a song, youre the piano man

sing us a song tonight

well, were all in the mood for a melody

and youve got us feelin alright

its a pretty good crowd for a saturday,

and the manager gives me a smile

cause he knows that its me theyve been coming to see

to forget about life for awhile.

and the piano sounds like a carnival

and the microphone smells like a beer

and they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
and say "man, what are you doin here?"

sing us a song, youre the piano man

sing us a song tonight.
well, were all in the mood for a melody

and youve got us feelin alright.

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