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11 febrero 2013

Andy Moor feat. Sue McLaren - Fight The Fire (Official Music Video)

Realmente todos necesitamos unas buenas vacaciones, para separar la realidad agobiante y regresar al origen sin perder lo avanzado.

Subido el 05/09/2011
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There's a spark in each and every single production of UK producer Andy Moor. Lighting fire on the dance floor for over 15 years, he's built himself a stellar reputation when it comes to breaking boundaries of progressive, trance and any mixable style beyond. From classics 'Halcyon', 'She Moves' to ground-breaking collabs with Above & Beyond, Markus Schulz, M.I.K.E. and Ashley Wallbridge, there's no route in trance land that Andy hasn't walked on.

Following shortly after the second installment of his 'Breaking The Silence' compilation series, Andy Moor returns with the next ray of light for midnight purposes: 'Fight The Fire'. He invited UK singer Sue McLaren's sugar-sweet, sensitive voice to fulfill the rich, atmospheric layers of this charismatic prog-trancer. 'Fight The Fire' will keep the crowds warm as fall sets upon us.

Remix duties were given to upcoming producers Norin & Rad. The American duo gave 'Fight The Fire' a punchy big-room shake. Their remix holds on to the melodic, uplifting core but cracks the system with phat bass and playful elements.

Produced by Junction15

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