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11 junio 2013

Vocalizando con el maestro, Queen - Under Pressure (HQ) (Live At Wembley 86)

Vocalizando con el maestro y toda una leyenda viva del rock , para ello solo tenemos que estar atentos y concentrados, solo para disfrutar, ya que todo lo que se puede decir sobre la melodía sobra ,, señoras y señores su majestad Fredy con un himno de lo que es superar  el todo por el todo y consolidar la lealtad a la música, así como la amistad a la fraternidad levanten-monos de sus asientos y entonemos y disfrutemos.

Publicado el 01/11/2013
Queen - Under Pressure
pushing down on me
pressing down on you
no man ask for
under pressure
that burns a building down
splits a family in two
puts people on streets

It's the terror of knowing
what this world is about
watching some good friends
screaming "let me out"
pray tomorrow
gets me higher
pressure on people
people on streets

It's the terror of knowing
what this world is about
watching some good friends
screaming "let me out"
pray tomorrow
gets me higher
pressure on people
people on streets

Turned away from it all like a blind man
sat on a fence but it don't work
keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn
why, why, why!

insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
can't we give ourselves one more chance
why can't we give love that one more chance
why can't we give love, give love, give love
give love, give love, give love, give love, give love

Cause love's such an old fashioned word
and love dares you to care for
the people on the edge of the night
and love dares you to change our way of
caring about ourselves
this is our last dance
this is ourselves
under pressure
under pressure

Subido el 26/02/2009
"Under Pressure" is a 1981 song by Queen and David Bowie. It marked Queen's first released collaboration with another recording artist, and is featured on their 1982 album Hot Space. The song reached #1 on the UK Singles Chart. It was also number 31 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the '80s.
Queen had been working on the song under the title "Feel Like" but were not yet satisfied with the result.
The final version that became "Under Pressure" evolved from a jam session the band had with Bowie at his studio in Montreux, Switzerland, therefore it was credited as co-written by the five musicians.
According to Queen bassist John Deacon (as quoted in a French magazine in 1984), however, the song's primary musical songwriter was Freddie Mercury — though all contributed to the arrangement. The earlier, embryonic version of the song without Bowie "Feel Like" is widely available in bootleg form.
In more recent interviews, Queen guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor have credited the bass riff to Deacon; Bowie also said on his website that the bassline was already written before he became involved. In any case, the September 2005 edition of online music magazine Stylus singled out the bassline as the best in popular music history.

The first title found for this song was "People on Streets". It then became "Under Pressure".

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