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15 enero 2011

"Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart" 2000 vs. 2010"

Talento natural, voz, cuerpo, belleza y porte la hace ser una de las nuevas divas con estilo propio a pesar de que hay muchas nuevas artistas que han alcanzado sus notas musicales, pero el estilo se impone ante cualaqueir imitasión.

Subido por  el 10/10/2007
Unbreak my Heart en directo

Subido por  el 02/04/2010
Click on the arrows to get the Lyrics.

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my hearth
Heart ...

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry this tears
I cried so many, many nights

Un-break my
Un-break my heart oh baby
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on ...

Unbreak my, say you love me

*Este video se refería a la cantante Leona Lewis en el canal: Ugis

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